
Books and Publications

Ordering and Obtaining Books:

All books can be obtained at the Nobles County Historical Society in the lower level of the library in Worthington, MN. You can also order them for cost plus postage and handling from the NCHS, P.O. Box 614, Worthington, MN 56187-2411. The Society accepts checks or PayPal to our email:

In The World War 1917-1918-1919,

Nobles county Minnesota, An honor roll, containing a pictorial record of the gallant and courageous men from Nobles County Minnesota who served in the Great War 1917-1918-1919. Original vintage book. The cost of this book is $20.00 plus $5 postage.

Slade an Account of a Family Hotel in Early Adrian

by Fred Slade, published in 1975. The cost of this book is $3.00 plus $5 postage.

Nobles County (Images of America)

by Nobles County Historical Society (Author); Paperback – May 22, 2017

The cost for this book is $20 plus $5 postage.

Railroads, Trains and Depots, The Way It Was

by Ray Crippen. Softcover copy $20.oo or hardcover for $30.00 plus $5 for shipping and handling. SOLD OUT!

Worthington Power, (The Centennial of Electric Power for the City of Worthington 1895-1995),

by Raymond Crippen, This book was published for the centennial of Worthington Public Utilities. 68 pages, wire bound, paper cover. The cost for this book is $10 plus $5 postage and handling.

The History of Nobles County,

by Al Goff, published in 1958. The cost for this book is $5 plus $5 postage.

Adrian, Minnesota : celebrating 125 years : 1876-2001.

Paperback – 2001.  $20 plus $5 shipping

Nobles County in the War with Spain,

by Raymond Crippen, is the story of Nobles County’s Company H, Minnesota Fifteenth Volunteer Infantry. It was compiled and produced by Mr. Crippen from newspaper accounts of the time (1898-1899) and from subsequent historical writings. This chronicle recounts how the war came to Nobles County and how it affected life in Nobles County. The cost for this book is $10 plus $5 postage and handling.

Gold Star Boys

Adrian, Nobles County MN; $12 plus $5 shipping

A Man Of Parts, George Draper Dayton,

Bruce B. Dayton and Ellen B. Green. Privately printed, Minneapolis, 1997. 527 page hard bound cloth covered. The cost for this book is $20 plus $5 postage and handling.